The intention
PSO is an Association for organizations working in development cooperation. In order to encourage the members to learn better from their own practice by strengthening their partners in developing countries, PSO decided that the member organizations should each have an LWT. (apprenticeship program) had to formulate their learning objectives and learning questions.

The approach

The LWTs should be concluded with all of our fifty members in a few months as a self-improvement agreement, in which the support by PSO was also recorded. After that, learning activities would be carried out.

The result

A failure, because closing the LWTs became a much longer and more difficult process. Several meetings were needed to clarify what organizations were struggling with and to clarify their learning goals. Average was only after 10 signed a LWT for months, and sum much later. All this time there was no visible result to show.

The lessons

However, an evaluation showed that the discussions themselves about the learning questions had already led to new insights among the member organisations. The members were very positive and felt that they had learned a lot before completing their work-study trajectory. They now had a clear idea of ​​what topics could improve their practice and how they wanted to approach this. They often saw themselves as learning organisations (so why a LWT?), but now it really got a frame. In short, they thought it was a success! After an initial struggle, the relations between PSO and the members have often improved and our role became clearer.

Author: Koen Faber / PSO


Why failure is an option…

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