Institute for Brilliant Failures – Workbook
The Institute for Brilliant Failures (IvBM) invites you to contribute to the new book: “Institute of Brilliant Failures – Workbook: Learn from how it really went!”.
This book is intended as a successor to the book “Institute for Brilliant Failures” by Paul Iske, which emphasizes the importance of experimenting and learning from things that turned out differently than expected. Learning is supported by recognizing 'archetypes' (faal cartridges). Based on research into many cases, IvBM has identified sixteen failure patterns that you can find on the website:

Are you familiar with the archetypes, then you can look at possible reasons why things could turn out differently before you start and address them (‘learn in advance’ or ‘fail ahead’) so that the failure is prevented. When you're busy, you can correct things by recognizing the archetype so that you can repair damage and prevent further damage ("learn while"). And afterwards you can use the archetypes to describe and share the most important lessons with others ("learning afterwards").
We are looking for two things: We look for examples for each failure pattern, preferably failure patterns that people have encountered in practice. But, perhaps even more important: what are the things you can do when you encounter or expect to encounter such a failure pattern. We call this action perspectives. To give an example: The 'Empty place at the table' is about the fact that you have not involved all stakeholders, which often reduces the support for the outcomes of the project and the project can fail. A possible solution: do a stakeholder analysis. How does that work? There are several examples of techniques for this.
We think it would be fantastic to involve you in the development of this book and hope that you can provide beautiful examples and smart and valuable action perspectives for one or more archetypes.. And there is a reward: For everyone who contributed to the book, one copy per archetype is available! In addition, we will raffle three great prizes among the people who contributed, like an electric bicycle!
In short, let's make it something beautiful together and a successful one (non-failed) co-create publication, so that people can practically get started with the ideas of the Institute for Brilliant Failures. We are curious!
You can send your contribution or request for additional information to:
Paul Iske and Bas Ruyssenaars