Two more world wars were to come in the 20th century. Even then there were people who were committed to peace. There was Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. He had a special plan to keep world peace, namely with the help of a dinosaur.

He had eighteen casts made of the skeleton of the 27 long Diplodocus found in the United States. He wanted to give these 'Dippy's' to various world leaders, provided that they would ask for it themselves.

This also happened and the casts were exhibited in museums in, for example, London, Paris, Berlin and Saint Petersburg. Carnegie wanted to make personal contact with the heads of state in this way so that he could present his world peace ideology to them.. Unfortunately the plan didn't work: every country saw the dino as 'their dino' and the hoped-for cooperation did not materialize. About ten years later the First World War broke out.

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