The intention

The organization for the promotion of the interests of the harijans, AWARE, wanted to change regional and national legislation to improve the situation of these 'untouchables'’ and their progeny.

The approach

She mobilized in 1978 Sun 35000 of these untouchables and led them in a march to the capital. They gathered in the square in front of the government building to express their wishes to the state government, submit requirements and proposals.

The result

So this was a great success. But the government let the police and army intervene, with weapons, tear gas and finally there was shooting. There were deaths and injuries. The protesters were dripping, of, very disappointed. The action failed. Once untouchable, always untouchable.

The learning moment

But she, the organizers and their children, learned lessons from the debacle of 1978. They had understood that the solution did not lie in mass political action. Other paths had to be taken to improve the position of the untouchables. Like education. AWARE started education programs for children of harijans and for the harijans themselves.

Twenty years later, enough of these children were sitting in parliament and in the state government themselves. They could now change the laws, and that's what happened.


Author: Jan Ruyssenaars