The intention

The innovation cycle is never closed, observes Monique Vahedi Nikbakht – Van de Sande, researcher at the Knowledge Center for Healthcare Innovation at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. That is the main reason for the lack of success in a program of the Erasmus MC-Daniel den Hoed Oncological Center..

The approach and the result

The program aimed to improve the continuity and quality of care for outpatients with an acute palliative radiation indication.. Since these patients no longer – as before – were admitted for two weeks, this required a radically different logistics and organization of care and guidance. Two researchers and a multidisciplinary team were responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the program. The new program was developed according to the principles of participatory action research, in which researchers and healthcare professionals work closely together. But only ten percent of patients ended up in the new program. It turned out to be unsuccessful in creating sufficient support among all relevant departments; they had other priorities and struggled with staff changes. A lot of work was also the responsibility of a single professional. This allowed the circle of innovation, impact evaluation and improvement are not closed.

The lessons

Vahedi Nikbakht concludes that for a successful innovation all relevant players must be involved, a participatory approach can improve engagement and – important – the initiators must secure the support of management.


Who finances lifestyle in cardiac rehabilitation?

Beware of the chicken-egg problem. When parties are excited, but first ask for proof, check carefully whether you have the means to provide that burden of proof. And projects aimed at prevention are always difficult, [...]

Why failure is an option…

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