The intention

Xerox (as a copier manufacturer) wanted a finger in the pie in the field of computers (met name printers).

The approach

Putting the most brilliant techs together in an institute (PARC).

The result

They came up with, the mouse, the ethernet (and thus the internet) a GUI (windowsomgeving) a WYSIWYG word processor. In short everything, what a modern computer needs. There was just no marketing plan, no method to sell it. And so Steve Jobs ran off with the most ideas (after a tour) en de rest is History.

The lessons

That good ideas don't automatically lead to success. You will eventually have to know how to sell it.

Imagine that Xerox instead of. to pull the plug from Parc, had marketed all these ideas, Why Microsoft, en Apple… this must be a wise lesson…

Author: Erik


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Why failure is an option…

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