Ko e meʻa ke faí:

Pharmaceutical company Pfizer wanted to develop a medicine for angina, chest pains and high blood pressure – a great intention. Pfizer invested in and carried out clinical trials for 6 years under the leadership of Ian Osterloh. As far as is known the research was carried out properly and there were no mishaps. Except

Ko hono ola:

After 6 years it became clear that the medicine did not have the desired effects. However, many patients reported erections and improved potency as side effects.

Ko e lesoni:

Pfizer radically changed strategy and tested the new medicine against erection disorders.

Toe Fakalahi Atu:
Today, every second, someone somewhere is taking a Viagra pill.

Pulusi ʻe he:
ʻEtita IVBM


Ko e Musiume ʻo e ngaahi naunau ne ʻikai lava

Robert McMath - ko ha palofesinale fakamaketi - fakataumuʻa ke tanaki ha laipeli fakafekauʻaki ʻo e koloa. Naʻe kamata ʻa e ngaue ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1960 naʻe kamata ke ne fakatau mo fakatolonga ha sipinga ʻo e tokotaha kotoa pe [...]

Ko e Faka-Noaue Linie Aquavit

Ko e meʻa ke faí: Naʻe hoko ʻa e foʻi fakakaukau ʻo Linie Aquavit ʻi ha fakatuʻutamaki ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1800. ʻA Ēsevitií (puʻaki ʻa e ʻ AH-kehʻveet ʻ pea faʻa sipela he taimi ʻe niʻihi "ʻakikā fakaafeʻi") ko ha kava mālohi ʻoku fakavaʻe ʻaki e pateta, flavored ʻaki e meʻalele. Naʻe maʻu ʻe Jørgen Lysholm ha Aquavit distillery ʻi he [...]

Ko e ha ʻoku hoko ai ʻa e taʻelavameʻa ko ha fili..

Fetuʻutaki mai ki he fakamatalá mo e ngaahi kalasí

Pe ui ʻa Paula ʻIsika +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruysshis +31 6 14 21 33 47