Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e:

To create and distribute an HIV/AIDS awareness quiz via SMS with Text to Change. Text to Change relied on all prior lessons learned in the area of ICT use in emerging markets.

Ar nt'uni:

On the morning of the campaign launch, TTC was assigned the number 666 by the Ugandan Communications Commission, the code of the Antichrist, the devil. Concerned (Christian) parties wanted to stop the program immediately. After much ado, the number was changed to 777.

Ar nsa̲di:

No matter how well you prepare, unexpected challenges dwell in dark corners.

Publicado nge:
Editor IvBM


El Noruego Linie Aquavit

Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e: Jar mfeni jar Linie Aquavit sucedió ya accidente jar década 1800. Aquavit (pronunciado 'nar a — keh 'veet' ne ya 'nandi xi 'yot'i "akvavit") ge 'nar licor a base de patata, ko sabor alcaravea. Jørgen Lysholm mar propietario 'nar destilería Aquavit jar [...]

Hielo lolly

Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e: ja 1905 Frank Epperson, ar 11 ya je̲ya, decidió da 'nar bebida xi hño pa da combatir ár tuthe... Mezcló cuidadosamente ar dehe polvo soda (nä'ä mar njohya yá 'mu̲ise̲ ko ga̲tho nu yá [...]

Ar confusión conduce fracaso Marte

Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e: Ar nave espacial Mars Climate Orbiter debía ga OT'UJE 'nar nthoni dige ya Marte. Yoho ya equipos 'na'ño mpe̲fi ja ar 'be̲fi simultáneamente ndezu̲ 'na'ño ubicaciones. Ar nt'uni: Ar nave espacial Mars Climate Orbiter [...]

Yogo'ä ar fracaso ge 'nar opción..

Ga japi ar jar contacto ko ngekagihe nt'uni mfädi ne hingi

Wa llame Paul Iske +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruyssenaars +31 6 14 21 33 47