Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e:

ja 1905 Frank Epperson, ar 11 ya je̲ya, decidió da 'nar bebida xi hño pa da combatir ár tuthe... Mezcló cuidadosamente ar dehe polvo soda (which was popular in those days) and left his mixing stick in the glass…

Ar nt'uni:

Just at that moment Frank’s mother called him to bed. He obeyed directly and left his drink standing. That night there was a heavy frost and the drink froze – the next day Frank took the first ‘ice lolly’ to school…

Ar nsa̲di:

18 years later Frank remembered his ‘lump of ice on a stick’ and started producing ice lollies in 7 different fruit flavors…

xí na ya'bu̲:
Today millions of ice lollies are sold each year.

Publicado nge:


Ma̲ha̲ jar ngú njwati ar productos fallidos

Roberto McMath - 'nar profesional marketing - destinado acumular 'nar biblioteca referencia productos consumo. Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e bí A partir de ar década 1960 comenzó ta̲i ne jwati 'nar muestra ar kadu [...]

El Noruego Linie Aquavit

Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e: Jar mfeni jar Linie Aquavit sucedió ya accidente jar década 1800. Aquavit (pronunciado 'nar a — keh 'veet' ne ya 'nandi xi 'yot'i "akvavit") ge 'nar licor a base de patata, ko sabor alcaravea. Jørgen Lysholm mar propietario 'nar destilería Aquavit jar [...]

Yogo'ä ar fracaso ge 'nar opción..

Ga japi ar jar contacto ko ngekagihe nt'uni mfädi ne hingi

Wa llame Paul Iske +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruyssenaars +31 6 14 21 33 47