Tau kawg nkaus:

To create and distribute an HIV/AIDS awareness quiz via SMS with Text to Change. Text to Change relied on all prior lessons learned in the area of ICT use in emerging markets.

Qhov no ua rau qhov no:

On the morning of the campaign launch, TTC was assigned the number 666 by the Ugandan Communications Commission, the code of the Antichrist, the devil. Concerned (Christian) parties wanted to stop the program immediately. After much ado, the number was changed to 777.

Zaj kawm no:

No matter how well you prepare, unexpected challenges dwell in dark corners.

Luam tawm los ntawm:
Editor IvBM


Tus Norwegian Linie Aquavit

Tau kawg nkaus: Lub tswvyim ntawm Linie Aquavit tshwm sim los ntawm kev huam yuaj hauv lub 1800s. Aquavit (pronounced 'AH-keh'veet' thiab tej zaum spelled "akvavit") qos yaj ywm kuas cawv, flavored nrog caraway. Jørgen Lysholm muaj ib Aquavit distillery hauv [...]

Dej khov lolly

Tau kawg nkaus: hauv 1905 the 11-year old Frank Epperson decided to make himself a nice drink to combat his thirst… He carefully mixed water with soda powder (which was popular in those [...]

Tsis meej pem ua rau Mars tsis ua hauj lwm

Tau kawg nkaus: The Mars Climate Orbiter Spacecraft was due to do research on Mars. Two different teams worked on the project simultaneously from different locations. Qhov no ua rau qhov no: The Mars Climate Orbiter Spacecraft [...]

Vim li cas thiaj tsis ua hauj lwm yog ib qho kev xaiv..

Hu rau peb lectures thiab courses

Los yog hu paul Iske +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruysenaars +31 6 14 21 33 47