Tau kawg nkaus:

hauv 1905 the 11-year old Frank Epperson decided to make himself a nice drink to combat his thirst… He carefully mixed water with soda powder (which was popular in those days) and left his mixing stick in the glass…

Qhov no ua rau qhov no:

Just at that moment Frank’s mother called him to bed. He obeyed directly and left his drink standing. That night there was a heavy frost and the drink froze – the next day Frank took the first ‘ice lolly’ to school…

Zaj kawm no:

18 years later Frank remembered his ‘lump of ice on a stick’ and started producing ice lollies in 7 different fruit flavors…

Today millions of ice lollies are sold each year.

Luam tawm los ntawm:


Lub tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm tej yam khoom

Robert McMath - ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm kev lag luam - npaj los tsim ib lub tsev qiv ntawv siv cov khoom siv rau cov neeg siv khoom. Thaum kawg ntawm tes hauj lwm yog pib hauv lub 1960s nws pib muas khoom thiab khaws cia ib tug qauv ntawm txhua [...]

Tus Norwegian Linie Aquavit

Tau kawg nkaus: Lub tswvyim ntawm Linie Aquavit tshwm sim los ntawm kev huam yuaj hauv lub 1800s. Aquavit (pronounced 'AH-keh'veet' thiab tej zaum spelled "akvavit") qos yaj ywm kuas cawv, flavored nrog caraway. Jørgen Lysholm muaj ib Aquavit distillery hauv [...]

Vim li cas thiaj tsis ua hauj lwm yog ib qho kev xaiv..

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