Le xook je'ela' asab:

Ti' 1905 Frank Epperson, u 11 ja'abo'ob, decidió u meentik u ma'alo'ob a utia'al combatir u uk'aj... -Xa'ak'pajij cuidadosamente le ja' yéetel le tuunicha' soda (which was popular in those days) and left his mixing stick in the glass…

Le resultado:

Just at that moment Frank’s mother called him to bed. He obeyed directly and left his drink standing. That night there was a heavy frost and the drink froze – the next day Frank took the first ‘ice lolly’ to school…

Le lección:

18 years later Frank remembered his ‘lump of ice on a stick’ and started producing ice lollies in 7 different fruit flavors…

asab náach:
Today millions of ice lollies are sold each year.

A'ala'an tumen:


Le Museo yik'áalil fallidos

Roberto McMath - juntúul k marketing - destinado acumular jump'éel biblioteca k'a'ana'an yik'áalil jant p'áatalij. Le xook je'ela' asab bin ichil le k'iino'oba' 1960 Káaj u maan yéetel preservar jump'éel muestra u Amal [...]

Le Noruego Linie Aquavit

Le xook je'ela' asab: Le ba'ax Linie Aquavit ocurrió tumen loobo' ti' le k'iino'oba' 1800.. Aquavit (pronunciado 'AH-keh. veet' yéetel Yaan k'iine' escrito "akvavit") Leti' jump'éel licor yéetel yuum, aromatizado yéetel alcaravea. Jørgen Lysholm poseía jump'éel destilería Aquavit ti' [...]

Ba'axten le fracaso jach jump'éel opción..

Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one' yo'osal conferencias yéetel kaambalo'ob

Wa llame Paul Iske +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruyssenaars +31 6 14 21 33 47