Harakat kursi:

In Manchester in 2004, Geim and Novoselov often organized their so called Friday night experiments – a time where they would try out often bizarre and zany techniques. One of these Friday nights they played with scotch tape and a pencil. This is how they stripped tiny molecules of carbon from graphite and how they discovered graphene.


Geim and Novoselov jointly won the Nobelprize in Physics in 2010 with their groundbreaking work on graphene. The structure of graphene resembles chicken wire. It turns out to be the thinnest possible material you can imagine. It also has the largest surface-to-weight ratio, it´s the stiffest material we know and it is the most stretchable crystal.


So with his Friday night experiments Geim actually created a serendipity climate, making space for creativity, tasodif va o'ynoqilik. O'z so'zlari bilan aytganda: Men qila oladigan yagona narsa - qimmatli narsaga qoqilish ehtimolini oshirish.

Oxir oqibat, grafen samolyotlarda qo'llanilishi kutilmoqda, aerokosmik, avtomobillar, moslashuvchan sensorli ekranlar va boshqalar.

tomonidan nashr etilgan:
IVBM muharriri


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