The Italian Ice Cream company Spica developed the forerunner of the Cornetto in 1959. When Unilever visited Spica in 1962, they were so enthusiastic that they took over the Italian ice cream manufacturer almost immediately. The intention was to successfully develop the vanilla ice cream cone for mass production.

Ko e meʻa ke faí:

The Cornetto as we know it today only came onto the market in 1985; a pre-packaged ice cream cone made from vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone, covered with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with pieces of hazelnut, and…..
an unintentional glob of chocolate in the bottom of the ice cream cone.

Unilever devoted years to research and made considerable investments in order to change the production process to solve the issue of the chocolate glob.

Ko hono ola:

Their research paid off!
The new cone with its crunchy waffle point not containing chocolate was proudly launched.
Consumers, however, were disappointed. The chocolate glob was, after all, the extra treat at the last bite.

Ko e lesoni:

The sales decreased and numerous complaints came in.
Unilever decided to bring back the chocolate glob, in spite of all their research and investment. This required considerable changes to be made to the machinery.

Toe Fakalahi Atu:
The Cornetto has been listed in the top 5 of the best selling ice creams in many countries, for many years.

Pulusi ʻe he:


Ko e Musiume ʻo e ngaahi naunau ne ʻikai lava

Robert McMath - ko ha palofesinale fakamaketi - fakataumuʻa ke tanaki ha laipeli fakafekauʻaki ʻo e koloa. Naʻe kamata ʻa e ngaue ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1960 naʻe kamata ke ne fakatau mo fakatolonga ha sipinga ʻo e tokotaha kotoa pe [...]

Ko e Faka-Noaue Linie Aquavit

Ko e meʻa ke faí: Naʻe hoko ʻa e foʻi fakakaukau ʻo Linie Aquavit ʻi ha fakatuʻutamaki ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1800. ʻA Ēsevitií (puʻaki ʻa e ʻ AH-kehʻveet ʻ pea faʻa sipela he taimi ʻe niʻihi "ʻakikā fakaafeʻi") ko ha kava mālohi ʻoku fakavaʻe ʻaki e pateta, flavored ʻaki e meʻalele. Naʻe maʻu ʻe Jørgen Lysholm ha Aquavit distillery ʻi he [...]

Ko e ha ʻoku hoko ai ʻa e taʻelavameʻa ko ha fili..

Fetuʻutaki mai ki he fakamatalá mo e ngaahi kalasí

Pe ui ʻa Paula ʻIsika +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruysshis +31 6 14 21 33 47