At the end of the 1980’s a number of brewers were developing alcohol free and low alcohol (or ‘light’) beers. Despite his initial reservations Freddy Heineken decided to develop a light beer – with the goal of capturing a significant share of this market both in the Netherlands and abroad.


Heineken launched their low alcohol beer (0.5%) in the summer of 1988. The Dutch brewer deliberately opted for a low alcohol beer rather than an alcohol free beer, fearing that consumers would not take to a beer in which there was no alcohol. The beer was branded ‘Buckler’, which was considered a ‘strong’ brand name, and the name Heineken was left from the label.


Initially Buckler was a success and captured a significant share of the market for light beers both in the Netherlands and internationally. 然而, 5 years after its launce, Heineken removed Buckler from the Dutch market.

Dutch cabaret artist Yoep van ‘t Hek had mercilessly ‘mocked’ Buckler beer drinkers on his 1989 New Years Eve show:

“I really can’t stand those Buckler drinkers. You all know Buckler, it’s that ‘reformed’ beer. All those 40-year old guys who stand beside you jingling their car keys. Go to hell! I am here drinking beer to get drunk. Get lost – go and drink your Buckler in the church. Or don’t drink, BUCKLER drinker.”

The impact was disastrous for the low alcohol beer.

In addition, 喜力都低估埋競爭對手巴伐利亞嘅影響 – 巴伐利亞麥芽喺第一次海灣戰爭期間獲得咗沙特阿拉伯淡啤酒嘅專有權.

係 1991 喜力試圖通過進一步降低酒精含量嚟復活巴克勒, 但為時已晚. 以穿着老虎服裝嘅性感女人為特色嘅電視廣告活動或單車隊嘅贊助都無法扭轉巴克勒嘅命運。.


雖然巴克勒喺荷蘭唔再可用, 它喺歐洲其他地區仍然取得咗巨大嘅成功. 此後,喜力以阿姆斯特爾標籤的產品重新進入荷蘭的淡啤酒市場——這個品牌被認為足夠強大,可以承受任何不可預見的“嘲弄”。.

The factors that effectively destroyed Buckler’s reputation in the Dutch market were largely outside of Heineken’s control. 然而, should a company incur ‘brand’ damage as a result of their own errors then it is useful to remember the following rules: (1) communicate honestly (with the press); (2) be transparent; (3) don’t hide your weak ‘spots’, and above all; (4) admit that you made mistakes (to draw lessons for the future).

Apple, for example, followed these rules impeccably when a bug in the iPod Nano was highlighted by a number of influential bloggers: they immediately admitted the error and promised to repair this free of charge. As a result, the brand became even more popular with consumers.

來源包括: 愛思唯爾, 23 五月: 2005, Schokgolf, p. 105.




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