Ko e meʻa ke faí:

To provide loan capital to cooperatives for purchasing and gathering crops.
1. Vredeseilanden distributed loan capital to be used at the cooperatives’ disposal. Initial loans, however, were not paid back.
2. An agent was appointed to visit the cooperatives and distribute the capital onsite. But delivery of the agricultural products was unreliable.
3. An overhauled system of credit was put in place, based on savings, order receipts and repayment on delivery through COOCENKI.

Ko hono ola:

Which time is the charm? the third attempt worked! WINWIN: an efficient buyback scheme with easy marketing and lowered risks, built on credit and limited costs.

Ko e lesoni:

It is possible to construct sustainable, large-scale commercial transations without foreign support.

Pulusi ʻe he:
Redactie Briljante Mislukkingen


Ko e Musiume ʻo e ngaahi naunau ne ʻikai lava

Robert McMath - ko ha palofesinale fakamaketi - fakataumuʻa ke tanaki ha laipeli fakafekauʻaki ʻo e koloa. Naʻe kamata ʻa e ngaue ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1960 naʻe kamata ke ne fakatau mo fakatolonga ha sipinga ʻo e tokotaha kotoa pe [...]

Ko e Faka-Noaue Linie Aquavit

Ko e meʻa ke faí: Naʻe hoko ʻa e foʻi fakakaukau ʻo Linie Aquavit ʻi ha fakatuʻutamaki ʻi he ngaahi taʻu ʻo e 1800. ʻA Ēsevitií (puʻaki ʻa e ʻ AH-kehʻveet ʻ pea faʻa sipela he taimi ʻe niʻihi "ʻakikā fakaafeʻi") ko ha kava mālohi ʻoku fakavaʻe ʻaki e pateta, flavored ʻaki e meʻalele. Naʻe maʻu ʻe Jørgen Lysholm ha Aquavit distillery ʻi he [...]

Ko e ha ʻoku hoko ai ʻa e taʻelavameʻa ko ha fili..

Fetuʻutaki mai ki he fakamatalá mo e ngaahi kalasí

Pe ui ʻa Paula ʻIsika +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruysshis +31 6 14 21 33 47