Innovation iri kuedza pasina kuziva zvinobuda

Unogona kudzidza kubva mukukundikana, asi zvinoda kushinga uye nhaurirano yakazaruka. On iwe unogona kuwana yese nhevedzano yekutanga-ups isati yazviita, nechikonzero cheizvozvo kubva kuvavambi ivo pachavo. Kubva pakuita, “haina kukwira zvakaringana”, hilarious “imwe njodzi mukudzikira kweFlash” kune zvinosuruvarisa uye zvinozivikanwa kune vakawanda, “yakaramba iine zano risiri iro kwenguva yakareba.” Zvikonzero zvekukundikana kwekutanga-ups zvakasiyana. Havana hunyowani zvakakwana, mari inopera, hakuna timu yakanaka, vanhu vanobatwa nemakwikwi kana chigadzirwa kana sevhisi zvanga zvisina kunaka zvakakwana. Ko vaya vakatadza kutanga vaisaziva izvi kare? Dzimwe nguva, zvichida, but the crux of innovation is to try something new that does not know exactly what that will bring in advance.

Moreover, if you try to innovate or start a business in the present complex time, you already know in advance that the strategies you have in mind will rarely turn out as planned. Where companies were able to hold on to a pre-formulated strategy two decades ago, you see that we now have to continuously adjust, based on feedback from the market. And the factors on which we (have to) react have become so interwoven in their mutual relationship that the consequences turn out to be unpredictable or not fully understood. Since no one can see all the consequenceseven the most advanced algorithm can not do that yetit is the art to learn to navigate instead of controlling. You have a point on the horizon, but how you get there, you have to be able to adjust that continuously. Such an attitude requires mental flexibility and resilience.

Respond on (unexpected) developments by being agile

What matters is that as an organization you learn to occupy such a position that you can quickly respond to various developments without problems. That means seeing what is going on and what that means for you as an organization and an individual. And the ability to actually adapt to these new insights. Paradoxically, you have to be prepared for the fact that you can not prepare for everything. What you can do, of course, is learning to deal better with the unexpected, learning to stay alert to change and learn how to use those changes where necessary. Nekuparadzira mikana yako semuenzaniso, kana kusanamatira kune yako yekutanga mhinduro uye mazano, asi kutarisa mberi.

Shandisa zvawakundikana kugadzirisa

Kutya mupi wemazano akaipa. Tsvagiridzo inoratidza kuti chinhu chakakosha icho chinhu chinochengeta kugona kuratidza maitiro nemaitiro avo, kutora chinhambwe uye kuwana mufananidzo wakanaka kana kufunga mune dzimwe nzira. Kutya kunoderedza nyika yako, inoita kuti unamatire kune zvauri kutoziva uye kuziva uye saka iko kuvharira kwekuvandudza. Kutya kazhinji kunosanganisira zvikamu zviviri. Kana iwe ukasaina kune yedu Brilliant Yakundikana Kugadziridza uchishandisa fomu riri pazasi iwe unogashira yekurodha link., kune kutya kuedza chimwe chinhu chinogona kukundikana zvachose. Uye kune zvakare kutya kutaura nezve chimwe chinhu chakashata kana chakashata. Asi mubvunzo ndewekuti kukundikana kwakaipa here sezvatinofunga. Ini ndinofunga kuti kukundikana haisiriyo bvunzo yekugona yatinopa ikozvino, asi kuedza chete neimwe yakasiyana (negative) mhedzisiro pane zvakarongwa. Uye ndizvo chaizvo izvi kutsvagisa uye kuita fungidziro hunhu hwakakosha kwazvo pakufamba uchienda kune iyo dot iri pamhene.. Saka kutya kukundikana, chivharo chikuru kune innovation, chinhu chatinofanira kubata. Kana tikaedza chimwe chinhu chitsva munyika yakaoma uye iyo inokundikana, zvino hachisi chinhu chatinofanira kupomerana mhosva. Pane kudaro, tinofanira kudzidza pamwe chete kubva mukukanganisa kwakaitwa. Tinofanira kugadzira mamiriro ekunze ayo vanhu vanoshinga kuedza, dzidza uye ugovane. Imo ivo vanotora kuomarara zvakakomba uye vakavhurika kune yepakati mhinduro uye kufuratira (mhinduro yekumberi). Mamiriro ekunze akadai ari kuramba achikosha sezvo vemabhizinesi vachifanirwa kunge vachimhanya uye kugona kwavo kuzvidzidzira ndicho chinhu chakakosha.. Kana tikatadza kuona zvinhu neimwe nzira, isu tinoshandurawo nzvimbo yekutamba.

Muenzaniso wakanaka unoshanda wekutanga-ups vaisatya kugovera kukundikana ndeye HelloSpencer, basa rekutanga rekutumira. HelloSpencer yaida kukwanisa kuendesa chero odha yekutumira mukati 60 maminitsi. Saka: unoisa order, kuburikidza nesaiti kana app, uye mushure mekusimbiswa Spencer anoenda munzira uye unogona kumutevera digitally kumusuwo wako. Basa rekutumira harina kukwanisa. Vagadziri vakazivisa munaGunyana 2015 kuti vaisakwanisa kuwana iyo bhizinesi modhi yebasa ravo-mu-kufona. Mushure mekuedza kwakati wandei, the entrepreneurs placed their most important failures and lessons happily on their website. What did not work: dream big, start small. By starting very smallwith just a phone number for text delivery ordersHelloSpencer hopes to grow organically. By not focusing on the logistics process, but the personal experiences between deliverer and customer, they got a lot of insight into the buying motives of customers and the confirmation that they really had something good in their hands. Unfortunately, because of this, people lost themselves too much in the illusion of the day and a clear focus was chosen too late. Secondly: make sure you get the numbers. Making delivery services cost-effective is ultimately about volume. Although there were more customers every week, the growth phase took too long. HelloSpencer had either needed more volume or a longer term financing. Neither were the case now. The last lesson of HelloSpencer: keep everyone on board; putting together a team with sufficient talent and energy is step one. But ensuring that everyone can continue to develop themselves, as a team but also on a personal level, is at least as important to retain people.

Personal failures and learnings

My own start-up adventure involves an innovative sports product and game concept called YOU.FO; you throw and catch an aerodynamic ring with specially designed sticks (see My ambition is that YOU.FO will be played worldwide as a new sport and leisure game. If I have learned something during this initiative in recent years, ndezvekuti iwe unofanirwa kuramba uchigadzirisa zano rako zvichienderana nemhinduro kubva kumusika. Takahwina zvakati wandei (inter)mibairo yenyika uye ndakafungidzira kuti YOU.FO pamwe chete nevadyidzani vekugovera yakaiswa pamusika kumusoro-pasi. Pakupedzisira, tsika yacho yakazova isingadzoreki zvikuru. Semuyenzaniso, kuedza kwedu kwekutanga kuburitsa YOU.FO muUnited States kwakakundikana. Ndakawana vadyidzani muNew York vandakahaya kwegore rekutengesa nekutengesa. Izvo hazvina kubereka zvakakwana. Nekuda kwemuripo wepamwedzi, pakanga paine bhizimusi rakawandisa kuti ndinyatsoenda kune YOU.FO nemumoto. Chidzidzo chandakadzidza ndechekuti kubva zvino ndichasarudza vadikani vanoda kusima mari uye vakazvipirawo mune zvemari, semuenzaniso nekubhadhara mari yerezinesi. Izvi zvinovimbisa zvinokurudzira vanobatana navo avo, apo zvinhu zvinenge zvisina kumira zvakanaka, shingirira uye tsvaga nzira itsva. Pamusoro pe, Ndakadzidzawo kuti mutambo uyu wekutsvagisa mutambo unoda zvakanyanya kudzika-kumusoro kushambadzira kuedza; vanhu vanofanirwa kuzviona nekuita nekugadzira curve yekudzidza inovachengeta vaine shungu. Pamwe chete nevabatsiri muEurope, India uye Middle East, Ndava kuzogadzira nharaunda umo bhizimusi remunharaunda riri pakati. Iyi inzira yakasiyana zvachose yandaifunga pakutanga. Isu tiri kushingaira mukati 10 nyika, asi ndizvo, kusvikira nhasi, nekuedza uye kukanganisa. Uye, iyi mutambo webhizinesi dhizaini inotora nguva yakawanda kupfuura yaitarisirwa. Mune izvozvo ndinoda zvidzidzo zve HelloSpencer,, The Institute for Brilliant Failures nevamwe! Vanokurudzira kudzidza kubva mukukundikana kwekare pasina kunyara. That sharing and learning from failures does not only have to be done afterwards. Especially when you are in the middle of a start-up process, it is relevant to reflect on your own assumptions and approach at set times. Uye, to share these reflections with others. All this under the guise: Sometimes You Earn, Sometimes You Learn. And sometimes that comes together fortunately.

March akaunzwa
Entrepreneur and cofounder of the Institute for Brilliant Failures

This is an edited version of a contribution published in the journal M & C (1/2016).