Innovation ikuyesera popanda kudziwa zotsatira zake

Mukhoza kuphunzira pa zolephera, koma pamafunika kulimba mtima ndi kukambirana momasuka. Yambani mungapeze mndandanda wonse wa zoyambira zomwe sizinapange, ndi chifukwa cha izo kuchokera kwa oyambitsa iwo eni. Kuchokera pakuchita, “sichinakwere msangamsanga”, zoseketsa “wovulala wina pakutsika kwa Flash” zomvetsa chisoni ndi zozindikirika kwa ambiri, “adakhala ndi njira yolakwika kwa nthawi yayitali.” Zifukwa za kulephereka kwa oyambitsa ndizosiyana. Iwo sali anzeru mokwanira, ndalama zimatha, palibe timu yabwino, anthu amadyedwa ndi mpikisano kapena mankhwala kapena ntchito chabe sanali abwino mokwanira. Kodi oyambitsa omwe adalepherawo sanadziwe izi kale? Nthawi zina, mwina, but the crux of innovation is to try something new that does not know exactly what that will bring in advance.

Moreover, if you try to innovate or start a business in the present complex time, you already know in advance that the strategies you have in mind will rarely turn out as planned. Where companies were able to hold on to a pre-formulated strategy two decades ago, you see that we now have to continuously adjust, based on feedback from the market. And the factors on which we (have to) react have become so interwoven in their mutual relationship that the consequences turn out to be unpredictable or not fully understood. Since no one can see all the consequenceseven the most advanced algorithm can not do that yetit is the art to learn to navigate instead of controlling. Muli ndi mfundo m'chizimezime, koma ukafika bwanji kumeneko, muyenera kukhala wokhoza kusintha izo mosalekeza. Mkhalidwe wotero umafuna kusinthasintha maganizo ndi kulimba mtima.

Yankhani (mosayembekezereka) zochitika pokhala agile

Chofunikira ndichakuti monga bungwe mumaphunzira kukhala paudindo wotero kuti mutha kuyankha mwachangu kuzinthu zosiyanasiyana popanda zovuta.. Izi zikutanthauza kuwona zomwe zikuchitika komanso zomwe zikutanthauza kwa inu monga bungwe komanso munthu payekha. Ndipo kuthekera kosinthira kumalingaliro atsopanowa. Zodabwitsa, muyenera kukhala okonzeka chifukwa chakuti simungathe kukonzekera chirichonse. Zomwe mungachite, kumene, akuphunzira kuchita bwino ndi zosayembekezereka, kuphunzira kukhala tcheru kuti asinthe ndikuphunzira kugwiritsa ntchito zosinthazo ngati kuli kofunikira. By spreading your opportunities for example, or not sticking to your first solutions and ideas, but looking further.

Use your failures to improve

Fear is a bad counselor. Research shows that it is an important factor that factor that retains the ability to reflect on their behaviour and actions, to take distance and get a good overview or think in alternatives. Fear reduces your world, makes you cling to what you already know and know and it is therefore a blockade for innovation. The fear often consists of two parts. Kupyolera mu Zosintha Zabwino Kwambiri Timakudziwitsani za zomwe zikubwera za Institute for Brilliant Failures, there is the fear of trying something that can fail at all. And there is also the fear of talking about something that goes wrong or has gone wrong. But the question is whether failure is as terrible as we think. I think that failure is not the aptitude test that we now assign to it, but only an attempt with a different (negative) outcome than planned. And it is precisely this researching and enterprising attitude that is so important for navigating towards that dot on the horizon. So the fear of failure, a major blockade to innovation, is something we have to tackle. If we try something new in a complex world and that fails, then that is not something we have to blame each other for. Instead, we should learn together from the mistakes made. We should create a climate in which people dare to experiment, learn and share. In which they take complexity seriously and are open to intermediate feedback and feed forward (forward-looking response). Mkhalidwe woterewu ukukwera kwambiri chifukwa amalonda ayenera kukhala okhwima komanso luso lawo lodziphunzira ndilofunika kwambiri.. Ngati timalephera kuona zinthu mosiyana, timasinthanso malo osewerera.

Chitsanzo chabwino cha oyambitsa omwe sanawope kugawana zolephera ndi HelloSpencer, ntchito yoyambira yobweretsera. HelloSpencer imafuna kutha kutumiza zotumizira zilizonse mkati 60 mphindi. Choncho: mumayitanitsa, kudzera patsamba kapena pulogalamu, ndipo pambuyo potsimikizira Spencer amapita panjira ndipo mukhoza kumutsatira pa digito pakhomo panu. Ntchito yobweretsera sinathe. Oyambitsa adalengeza mu September 2015 kuti sakanatha kupeza chitsanzo cha bizinesi pa ntchito yawo yonse yoyitana. Pambuyo poyesa kangapo, amalonda anaika zolephera zawo zofunika kwambiri ndi maphunziro mosangalala pa webusaiti yawo. Zomwe sizinagwire ntchito: maloto aakulu, yambani pang'ono. Poyambira pang'ono kwambiri – ndi nambala yafoni yokha yoyitanitsa mameseji – HelloSpencer ikuyembekeza kukula mwachilengedwe. Popanda kuyang'ana pa kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe kake, koma zokumana nazo zaumwini pakati pa wowombola ndi kasitomala, anali ndi chidziwitso chochuluka pazifukwa zogula za makasitomala ndi chitsimikizo chakuti analidi ndi chinachake chabwino m'manja mwawo. Tsoka ilo, chifukwa cha izi, anthu anadzitaya okha mochuluka mwachinyengo cha tsikulo ndipo kuganizira momveka bwino kunasankhidwa mochedwa. Kachiwiri: onetsetsani kuti mwapeza manambala. Kupangitsa kuti ntchito zobweretsera zikhale zotsika mtengo ndizokhudza kuchuluka. Ngakhale panali makasitomala ambiri sabata iliyonse, gawo la kukula lidatenga nthawi yayitali kwambiri. HelloSpencer mwina amafunikira ndalama zambiri kapena ndalama zazitali. Ngakhale tsopano sizinali choncho. Phunziro lomaliza la HelloSpencer: sungani aliyense; kuyika pamodzi gulu lokhala ndi luso lokwanira ndi mphamvu ndi sitepe imodzi. Koma kuwonetsetsa kuti aliyense apitilize kudzitukumula yekha, monga gulu komanso pamlingo waumwini, ndikofunikira kusunga anthu.

Zolephera zaumwini ndi maphunziro

Ulendo wanga womwe ndikuyamba nawo umakhudza zamasewera komanso lingaliro lamasewera lotchedwa YOU.FO; mumaponya ndikugwira mphete yamlengalenga yokhala ndi ndodo zopangidwa mwapadera (onani Cholinga changa ndichakuti YOU.FO idzaseweredwa padziko lonse lapansi ngati masewera atsopano komanso opumira. Ngati ndaphunzirapo kanthu panthawiyi m'zaka zaposachedwapa, ndikuti muyenera kusintha mosalekeza njira yanu potengera mayankho ochokera kumsika. Tinapambana zingapo (pakati)dziko ndipo ndimaganiza kuti YOU.FO pamodzi ndi omwe amagawana nawo adayikidwa pamsika mpaka pansi. Pomaliza pake, mchitidwewo unasanduka wosalamulirika kwambiri. Mwachitsanzo, kuyesa kwathu koyamba kukhazikitsa YOU.FO ku United States kunalephera. Ndidapeza anzanga ku New York omwe ndidawalemba ganyu kwa chaka chimodzi pazamalonda ndi malonda. Zimenezo sizinaperekedwe mokwanira. Chifukwa cha malipiro a pamwezi, panalibe bizinesi yaying'ono kwambiri kuti ndipite kwa YOU.FO pamoto. Phunziro lomwe ndidaphunzira ndiloti kuyambira pano ndingosankha mabwenzi omwe akufuna kusungitsatu ndalama komanso kudzipereka pazachuma, mwachitsanzo polipira chindapusa. Izi zimatsimikizira olimbikitsa ogwira nawo ntchito omwe, just when things are not going well, persist and seek new ways. Kuphatikiza apo, I also learned that this innovative sport game requires much more bottom-up marketing effort; people have to experience it by doing and creating the learning curve that keeps them enthusiastic. Together with partners in Europe, India and the Middle East, I am now going to set up communities where local entrepreneurship is central. That is a completely different approach than I had in mind at the beginning. We are now active in 10 countries, but that is, until today, with trial and error. And, this sporty business adventure lasts many times longer than expected. In that respect I like the lessons of HelloSpencer,, The Institute for Brilliant Failures and others! They encourage to learn from previous failure without embarrassment. That sharing and learning from failures does not only have to be done afterwards. Especially when you are in the middle of a start-up process, it is relevant to reflect on your own assumptions and approach at set times. And, to share these reflections with others. All this under the guise: Sometimes You Earn, Sometimes You Learn. And sometimes that comes together fortunately.

Bas Ruyssenaars
Entrepreneur and cofounder of the Institute for Brilliant Failures

This is an edited version of a contribution published in the journal M & C (1/2016).