Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e:

At the start of the 19th century, so-called “ether and laughing gas parties” were very popular. Guests would inhale some ether fumes or laughing gas so that they could reach a cheerful high. A doctor in training named Long was present at one of these parties. It was at this party that Long bumped his leg against a table. To his astonishment, he felt no pain.

Ar nt'uni:

Long was the first person who used anaesthesia for surgical purposes.
At first he tested ether in minor operations only. ja 1842, he performed the painless amputation of a patient’s toe.

Ar nsa̲di:

Many ideas for new discoveries originate at times when people are having new experiences. Strikingly often, these experiences have little or no relation to the discovery.

Publicado nge:
Muriel de Bont


Ma̲ha̲ jar ngú njwati ar productos fallidos

Roberto McMath - 'nar profesional marketing - destinado acumular 'nar biblioteca referencia productos consumo. Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e bí A partir de ar década 1960 comenzó ta̲i ne jwati 'nar muestra ar kadu [...]

El Noruego Linie Aquavit

Ar nsa̲di nt'ot'e: Jar mfeni jar Linie Aquavit sucedió ya accidente jar década 1800. Aquavit (pronunciado 'nar a — keh 'veet' ne ya 'nandi xi 'yot'i "akvavit") ge 'nar licor a base de patata, ko sabor alcaravea. Jørgen Lysholm mar propietario 'nar destilería Aquavit jar [...]

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