Amsterdam, Jiune 29 2017

Many universal lessons to learn from failures in healthcare

Too often we miss promising innovations in healthcare because we learn inadequately from failures. That’s what Paul Iske and Bas Ruyssenaars, initiators of the Institute of Brilliant Failures, say. To help discover these promising innovations and give them attention the Institute of Brilliant Failures organizes an award Ceremony. The Institute appeals to healthcare managers, healthcare professionals and patients to enroll these failures for the award. From today on there’s a special page where you can enroll It is the forth time that such an award will be handed out. Bas Ruysenaars: “With this award we hope to contribute to a better innovation climate in healthcare. To showcase striking cases we want to inspire people and create a more open environment to share your failures and to do something with this experience. Even though every experience is entirely unique, there often are similarities.” Paul Iske: “That is how we came to a few patterns for failure, which we have described by means of archetypes that are often recognized in practice.”

Day of the Brilliant Failure

December 7th 2017 is chosen as the Day of the Brilliant Failure in Healthcare. On this day the jury will announce the winner of the Brilliant Faillure Award. The jury consists of Paul Iske (chairman), Edwin Bas (GfK), Cathy van Beek, (Radboud UMC), Bas Bloem (Parkinson Center Nijmegen), Gelle Klein Ikkink (Ministerie VWS), Henk Nies (Otela ni Vilans), Michael Rutgers (Longfonds), Henk Smith (ZonMW), Mathieu Weggeman (TU Eindhoven) and experience expert Cora Postema (Veiqaravi vakalotu ni Bula).

Winners of previous years were Dr. Loes van Bokhoven (new healthcare trajectory without patients), Jim Reeker (past preformances) en Catharina van Oostveen (Tijd voor Topzorg).


On December 7th 2017 the Institute of Brilliant Failures, together with research firm GfK, presents her monitor research into the attitude of professionals toward the handeling of failures. Using a qualitative questionnaire they asked healthcare professionals to characterize their work environment and establish if there is room for improvising in their work, whether people learn from it and if this genuinely leads to new situations.

About the Institute of Brilliant Failures

Since August 28 2015, the activities of the Institute of Brilliant Failures have been accommodated in a foundation. The foundation has the goal to improve the climate for entrepreneurs, by learning how to cope with risks, to appreciate and to learn from failures.

The Institute, that has been active since 2010 on behalf of ABN AMRO, has now gained considerable experience with creating a more ‘fault toleranceand a healthier innovation climate in complex environments.

The Institute has the ambition to increase awareness for their objectives and tools. Ena 2017 the Institute focuses on innovation in healthcare.