Potek delovanja:

On the surface everything looked great: a good job in a good company, a girlfriend, loving parents, family and a sufficient amount of friends. The picture as I’d imagined it so often in my mind. Maybe a little bit materialistic and superficial, but this is how my social surroundings had unintentionally formed me.
The only small problem wasI was unhappy with my life. My feeling of freedom was gone. It had disappeared, broken down without my knowledge. I was not able to get that feeling back. I wanted to leave the company, break with the past, to stop the runaway train that was my life. To become a writer, to go to Italy and to pick olives: karkoli bi šlo!
Luckily my HR advisor found the solution by having me talk to a coach. When I saw my coach I had reached the climax of my internal conflict.


Spoznati sebe od začetka in spoznati, kaj je bilo moje življenje: biti svoboden. Za koga drugega bi to lahko bila veličastna kariera, postati oče, ali pisanje knjige. Zame je bilo to brezplačno. Tega pred desetimi leti nisem pričakoval. Končno bi sledil svojemu srcu!


Moč mojega trenerja je v tem, da mi je pustil, da sam opravim pot, kar pomeni, da lahko še vedno vsak dan uporabljam tisto, kar smo se naučili v določeni lekciji. Moj neuspeh se je spremenil v briljantno izkušnjo, s čudovitim izidom.

Naučil me je tudi, naj resnično sledim svojemu srcu, namesto da samo poslušam, v kaj me usmerja moja družbena okolica. Moja trenerska pot je bila eden redkih dogodkov, ki mi je spremenil življenje. zakaj? Spet sem svoboden! Povrnil sem si energijo in uživam v življenju.

Since then I have been back at work with a lot of energy and enjoyment in a job where I can benefit from my freedom and riches to the maximum. All of this still with the same company!

Later on when I am old and grey, I hope to have lived a rich life. Rich in all senses: emotionally, physically in good health, and with many loved ones around me. And yes, also with sufficient financial means to be able to fulfil part of my dreams in any case. Luckily for me, I don’t need much money for what is dearest to me: to be free in my thoughts. That is my “thing”to be free with my thoughts, to be able to dream about faraway places, new inventions and a better world.

Jaspar Roos


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