Brilliant Failures Award Healthcare 2024

Register case studies

On Wednesday 20 to stop coming up with new advice 2024 we are organizing the 10th edition of the Brilliant Failures Award Healthcare! We are celebrating a decade of valuable learning experiences in the healthcare sector. It is currently still possible to submit case studies. Have you been involved in a Brilliantly Failed initiative in healthcare?, that others within the sector can learn from? Please let us know using the form below!

Attend award ceremony

Don't you have a Brilliant Failure of your own that you would like to share? 20 to stop coming up with new advice, but you would like to be at the awards ceremony? Then register via the page below. At the event, the nominated healthcare innovators share their experiences and lessons. We will then discuss this with a complete cross-section of the healthcare sector. Together we will determine who will take home the award for the most Brilliant Failure in healthcare this year!

Register Case Studies Brilliant Failures Award Healthcare 2024

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