Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) and Institute of Brilliant Failures (IoBF)

Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) and Institute of Brilliant Failures (IoBF)

signed Partnership Agreement

Worthing (UK), Oostzaan (NL), April 2024

The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) and the Institute of Brilliant Failures (IoBF) have decided to create a mutually beneficial, non-transactional partnership that will leverage each others unique value proposition and respective networks to help accelerate the global smart water sectors learning appetite from failures and unexpected outcomes.

Based out of the UK, the Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) is the leading global non-profit industry forum promoting the use of data technologies in water, wastewater and stormwater networks, making them smarter, more efficient and sustainable. By fostering cross-industry collaboration, SWAN shares its members’ diverse expertise, develops its own research, and helps shape industry standards.

The Netherlandsbased Institute of Brilliant Failures (IoBF) is an organisation focusing on acceptance and learning from all our experiences. Only by experimenting, making mistakesand adjusting, individuals learn and improve their abilities. Given this, IoBF’s mission is to highlight the importance of experimentation to achieve paradigm shifts and breakthrough innovation, striving for fear reduction, so that people are not afraid to experiment and to share their learning from endeavours that did not meet expectations. The main objective is to improve the climate for accepting and learning from failures.

For more information:

SWAN: Dr. Amir Cahn, CEO:

IoBF: Prof. Dr. Paul Louis Iske, CFO (Chief Failure Officer):