Learning to learn with Boertien Vergouwen Overduin

The Institute for Brilliant Failures and Boertien Vergouwen Overduin, leaders in training will offer the 'LEARN LEARN' program. Participants will have to deal with, among other things, our Brilliant Failures Archetypes Methodology, that provides a language to share learning experiences effectively and free of value judgment. We like to combine this with the years of experience and didactic expertise of Boertien Vergouwen Overduin when it comes to strengthening skills to get more out of yourself., your team or organization, to get. MT/Sprout recently interviewed us about the new program.

Leren leren

New program: Learn to learn

Imagine: you've been looking at a problem for a long time and bám, Suddenly you have an insight that you didn't have before. That feeling leads to the realization that you have learned something, that you have undergone a development. And that in turn ensures that you look back on the learning process with pleasure. Do you remember, that one teacher who put you on the right track? Of die trainer, that touched you so much that you had a personal breakthrough that still benefits you today?

In moments like these, learning really has an impact. Your confidence grows, you are more open to changes and new challenges. In short, learning contributes significantly to you (work)luck. How nice would it be to learn every day? Not just because it contributes to a happy life, but also because learning is necessary to remain relevant in today's and tomorrow's society. The good news is: we already do that. We all learn every day, often without us noticing, implicit. Home, in the workplace.

The trick is to make that learning explicit. Within organizations you often see that only the successes are celebrated, but that too little attention is paid to what people can learn from things that have not worked out so well. We think that's a shame. Of course you learn from your successes, but we believe that failures provide an opportunity to learn. Not as an end in itself, but as a means of sharpening the learning capacity and using it more effectively. And thus become more successful. That is why Boertien Vergouwen Overduin and the Institute for Brilliant Failures

joined forces and developed a special program: Learn to learn: Effectively Using Learning Ability.

We as an institute excel in learning to recognize failure patterns and how to, thanks to your failures, can implement improvements and innovations, while Boertien Vergouwen Overduin has the years of experience and didactic expertise to strengthen the skills you need for this. Whether you are an employee or (HR-)are a manager, want to get more out of yourself, your team or organization, the program offers you practical insights and tools to make a success of every failure.

Two-day module Building a learning organization

Sharing learning experiences and knowledge with your colleagues turns out to be quite a challenge, especially at the organizational level. On average, only 12 percent transferred through documents. The rest comes largely from ‘unstructured’ knowledge environments, like emails, notes and voicemail messages and knowledge in people's minds. How do you know which learning experiences and knowledge are useful? And how do you share this information effectively and efficiently within your organization? In this two-day module you will receive tools to stimulate the learning capacity from and at all levels of your organization. Participants will face our Brilliant Failures Archetypes Methodology, that provides a language to share learning experiences effectively and free of value judgment.