The Italian Ice Cream company Spica developed the forerunner of the Cornetto in 1959. When Unilever visited Spica in 1962, they were so enthusiastic that they took over the Italian ice cream manufacturer almost immediately. The intention was to successfully develop the vanilla ice cream cone for mass production.

Txoj kev ua:

The Cornetto as we know it today only came onto the market in 1985; a pre-packaged ice cream cone made from vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone, covered with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with pieces of hazelnut, and…..
an unintentional glob of chocolate in the bottom of the ice cream cone.

Unilever devoted years to research and made considerable investments in order to change the production process to solve the issue of the chocolate glob.

Qhov tshwm sim:

Their research paid off!
Lub khob hliav qab tshiab nrog nws cov ntsiab lus waffle tsis muaj cov qhob noom xim kasfes tau zoo siab pib.
Cov neeg siv khoom, txawm li cas los xij, poob siab. Lub chocolate glob yog, tom qab tag nrho, qhov kho ntxiv ntawm qhov kawg tom kawg.

Zaj lus qhia:

Kev muag khoom txo qis thiab ntau qhov kev tsis txaus siab tuaj rau hauv.
Unilever txiav txim siab coj rov qab lub chocolate glob, Txawm tias tag nrho lawv cov kev tshawb fawb thiab kev nqis peev. Qhov no yuav tsum muaj kev hloov pauv loj heev rau cov tshuab.

Ntxiv mus:
Cornetto tau teev nyob rau saum toj 5 ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws muag ice cream nyob rau hauv ntau lub teb chaws, tau ntau xyoo.

Luam tawm los ntawm:


Lub Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm Cov Khoom Uas Tsis Taus

Robert McMath - tus kws tshaj lij kev lag luam - npaj los sau ib lub tsev qiv ntawv siv cov khoom siv. Cov chav kawm ntawm kev nqis tes ua yog Pib xyoo 1960 nws pib yuav thiab khaws ib qho qauv ntawm txhua tus [...]

Norwegian Linie Aquavit

Txoj kev ua: Lub tswvyim ntawm Linie Aquavit tau tshwm sim los ntawm kev sib tsoo hauv xyoo 1800. Aquavit (hais 'AH-keh'veet' thiab qee zaum sau "akvav") yog qos yaj ywm raws li cawv, flavored nrog caraway. Jørgen Lysholm muaj Aquavit distillery hauv [...]

Yog vim li cas tsis ua hauj lwm yog ib qho kev xaiv..

Tiv tauj peb rau kev qhuab qhia thiab kev kawm

Los yog hu rau Paul Iske +31 6 54 62 61 60 / Bas Ruyssenaars +31 6 14 21 33 47